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If you're going to make a critism about a series or flash animation, make it as good or better than the original or nobody's going to take you seriously. I almost fell asleep watching this because it was so unbelievably slow.

Yes, your observations are true, but by making an animation like this, you just prove how much skill the 'Awsome!' series has.

I don't know how much sense I'm making right now...

Good job on the Pheonix Down series, by the way.

AshfordPride responds:

Phoenix Down is the stuff from Final Fantasy that revives your character...

Very fun, but not perfect

Very enjoyable. The best part was the cockney's rant, which was near par with a good Monty Python skit.

That said, you need to work on pacing.

Example 1: The song the geek was singing at the begining was so painful I nearly stop watching (glad I did keep watching, though). It adds absolutely nothing to the cartoon and perhaps is the least entertaining moment in it.

Example 2: Too much dead space. By that I mean moments where the action in the particular shot has already taken place (or the character has finished talking), you stay on the shot for several seconds before cutting. An example would be how long it takes to cut after the cockney's rant; wouldn't it be more effective if the audio is timed to finish as he disapears off screen?

But really good job on this. I laughed aloud.

OscarBaldwinStudio responds:

Thanks for the constructive criticisms. I think I'm improving now though. Check out my youtube channel and let me know what you think. Please subscribe if you like it :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3NbqDgq-rA


Congradulations, you have surpased the quality of the originals while still paying tribute to the sourse material. You are now my new god.

Good work guys!

I can't believe I didn't see this until now. I mean, seriously. I voice-acted one of the skits but I didn't even know it'd come out.

Great job guys, and congrats on front page (and daily second, and all the other awards)!


I was skeptical at the beginning, this film had all the signs of a "bad stick flick", but it had enough going for it that it rose above that stigma.

The Good
Bringing the animator into the mix worked for the piece. The halo component had good enough graphics to be interesting, and the music worked. It got a chuckle out of me.

The Bad
The stick part and the halo part didn't mix. With the stick, it was too short and ended just as it was getting fun. I would've liked to see more weapon's testing. You might've had the animator get even more involved; getting annoyed with the sticks and playing some jokes on them.
The halo part was a solid average, but the stick part brought the whole project down.

The Ugly
Combining Halo and gay sex. *shudder*

Anyway, good luck with future projects.

DiseasedCow responds:


Great trip down memory lane

Clever trip down memory lane. Some of the game classics.

Love it.

Could've been tighter in the animation. Could've had more going on. A slightly faster pace.

But hey, pretty good over all.

"Go ahead and jump!"


Catchy tune. Really works for the piece. Could've used sound fx.

Animation is a little rough around the edges, but there's something you could continue to play with here. I'd be interesting in seeing a sequel or two playing with this concept.

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